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Jeff Fouts Tax Attorney (tax help attorney) and Intellectual Property Thief

Yet another reason for me to dislike attorneys.  Here is a screen shot I took from this attorney's website where he plagiarized a post of mine.  He did NOT cite or credit myself or my blog as the source documentation but rather pawned it off as his own work.

A further search of Jeff Fouts found some interesting information:

From (unlike Jeff Fouts, tax help attorney, I cite my sources)-

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Warning About Jeff Fouts!!

Hi All,
There is a lawyer in East Ellijay, Ga who advertises on the Internet and claims to help people who are having irs problems. This guy is a total fraud, he will continue to take your money and do NOTHING!!!! In fact, you could end up in much, much worse shape than before! He has a completely incompetent staff who dishes out the lies like there is no tomorrow. Please, Please be very careful, it is awful how someone can deceive folks who are in need and continue to get away with it. His name is Jeffrey Fouts, attorney at law. Please let people know about this jerk, the friend you save could be yours!

jeffrey I. Fouts Complaints - fraud tax debt help

Review all jeffrey I. Fouts complaints

jeffrey I. Fouts

Posted: 2008-11-01 by Sha  [send email]

fraud tax debt help
Complaint Rating:  100 % with 9 votes
Company information:
jeffrey I. Fouts
772 maddox drive, suite 114
East Ellijay, Georgia
United States
Phone: 706,6365291

they accepted my case I owe a hefty sum to the IRS, when I started with the firm I had a payment arrangment with the IRS for 350 dollars a month . To make a long story short this law firm would ask for 500 minimum every couple of weeks and I sent it every time. Then I missed one payment to the IRS they call me and say we have a dead line to fill and we need 500 dollars because the IRS are going to levy your wages. Little did they know I set up my payments again with mo penalty once I informed the law firm of this 2 days later I get a call from the law firm (jeffrey I. Fouts) that that the IRS had given me a payment plan for 350 dollars a month on my whole debt. Well when I took this firm to represent me this was a fact well known to them. I was told this was my best option and they can not do anything more on my case. I asked are you sure and I was told just keep paying until the debt is done. Ok correct me if iam wrong these firms claim to be able to reduce your debt. Then why would it cost me 3000.00 dollars to then leave with the same payment plan that I came with to you, but you claimed from the start dont worry we will reduce your debt. Plain and simple there is more detail to this story but this is the short version. Jeffrey I. Fouts are a ripoff and Belize me google their name with the word scam and you will see for yourself.
Comments United States Tax Services
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 2008-11-28 by Md  [send email] 0 Votes

I agree. These people soaked me for almost $3000 and did little to nothing to help me. I found another lawyer who did more in one day than these people did over a month. I was charged $250 / hr for basic clerical and accounting services. At no point did I get any legal advice, and the lawyer wouldn't return my calls or written requests for a conference.

Go find a real tax attorney. These people are simply taking advantage of scared people who are in trouble. They will meet the "letter" of the contract, but they won't really help you.

I'm sorry I didn't cut them off sooner.

 2009-01-08 by   Betty 0 Votes

Same situation here. After MONTHS of saying it would only be a couple of more weeks before the matter was resolved and THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS LATER, I wised-up and realized that Fouts and company were rip-offs. Never ONCE did I speak with an attorney---just some flunky who was supposedly working on my case. When I refused to pay any more money, they dropped me like a hot potato. I've worked directly with the IRS and accomplished more than these people did after all of this time and money spent. Not to mention the additional interest and penalties that were adding up while the rip-off occurred!!! AVOID FOUTS LIKE THE PLAGUE!!

 2009-04-20 by   once burned 0 Votes

Same here Betty. They got $3, 500 on my case before I started sensing they were doing nothing. You're right. Avoid Fouts like the plague

 2009-09-02 by   Joe8 0 Votes

I gave up on these people after only $800. But I agree with the sentiments expressed here-- they charged a lot of money for clerks to do paperwork. I never got to speak to Jeff Fouts.

 147 days ago by   tim t 0 Votes

is there a way that attorney's or CPA can help you with your debt to the IRS. I owe 2-3 years back income taxes and the interest and penalties are killing me. I hired Jeff Fouts (against my better judgement) and he already has $1400 from me. I want a solution that will work. I'm not flat broke but at $400-500 a month payment plan it will take me 10+years to payback what I owe. Any suggestios or solutions?

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1 Review for Taxhelpattorney

Author Vic T. 
WARNING MISREPRESENTS on the website "Client Success Stories"

There are complaints about the service:

Here are other link or complaint:

Report: Jeffrey Fouts

Reported By: (Phoenix Arizona )

Jeffrey Fouts not as advertised, did not provide promised services East Ellijay Georgia

Report - Rebuttal - Arbitrate
1Author 0Consumer 0Employee
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What's This?

Jeffrey Fouts

772 Maddox Drive, Suite 114
East Ellijay Georgia 30540
Phone: 706-636-5291

Category: Income Tax Service

Submitted: Thursday, October 16, 2008

Posted: Thursday, October 16, 2008
Several months ago I decided to retain an attorney to help with my unfiled tax returns. I did a lot of research online, and the only two firms that did not have negative consumer reports were Jeffrey Fouts (until now, anyway), and one of the large tax law firms. I called Jeffrey Fouts' office and spoke with a gentleman at length about their services.

The conversation was comforting and I felt reassured that I was dealing with a legitimate firm that would provide personalized service. My biggest concern was making sure that they could complete my overdue business tax returns - something I didn't feel qualified to do - and in fact the biggest part of the sales pitch was that they would complete the returns, by their own in-house CPA, under attorney-client privilege. In fact the gentleman (salesman?) did a good job of convincing me that it is foolish to file delinquent returns any other way than with an attorney, under attorney-client privilege.

I sent in my $1,200 retainer fee and signed service contract. Then the endless phone calls and emails began, asking when I would have my completed tax returns ready for them. When I told my representative that I was promised that their CPA would do the returns, she informed me that they no longer had a CPA available and that I'd need to either do the delinquent returns myself or have them done by a local CPA.

As if this weren't bad enough, they continued to bill my credit card in $500 increments until I'd spent well over $2,200 on NOTHING. When I finally demanded to know what I had been paying for all along, since they'd provided ZERO services up to this point, I learned that they were charging me $20 for every single "where are your tax returns" phone call, and every email as well! And I was receiving these calls and emails CONSTANTLY, just so they had an excuse to bill me!

At that point I'd had enough and cancelled my services. Then they had the nerve to bill me another $20 for the cancellation letter! I didn't pay that $20.

I signed on with the other tax relief law firm I mentioned at the beginning - the only other one that had no negative consumer complaints (and they still don't). Only a few weeks into my relationship with them, I'm happy to report that they have begun completing my tax returns based on the QuickBooks printouts I sent them. They are also very, very professional and the person doing my returns is not only a CPA but also both a licensed Attorney and Enrolled Agent, so I have complete confidence in their abilities. Needless to say, the experience far surpasses that of Jeffrey Fouts & Associates.

(I am not going to mention who I'm working with now, because if I did, it would discredit this report and come off as an advertisement for the other firm.)

If you have a tax problem, be sure to scour websites like this one, and Google, and make sure the tax attorney or law firm you choose to work with is clean and has no negative consumer reports against them.

Phoenix, Arizona
Sounds like your typical run of the mill border line tax scam.  If you need real help from an honest person who isn't all about the money (and doesn't rip off others work) call me at 720.340.4065 or email


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